COME LET US LIVE WITH OUR INNER CHILDREN is a collaborative interactive sculpture created by artists Feyishara Adelekan, Rebecca Bersohn, Erica Garber, Casey Glover, Catharine Maloney, Adena Stevens and Liz Zacharia. The title is an adaptation of an original mistranslation of Froebel's philosophy. The following visual diary is the result of the artists' research of Frederick Froebel, the inventor of Kindergarten, and his 20 gifts that combine learning, art and play. As they have, the artists invite the viewers to connect with their own INNER children through play.

Friday, November 19, 2010

GIFT #19

The 19th gift is called peas work because back in Froebel's day peas were actually used as the joining material. Being the second to last gift peas work draws on the earlier learning of  prior gifts as they relate to point and line (parts to whole) through an introduction of volume. My exploration of peas work started small with toothpicks and gumdrops, which grew to wooden skewers and larger gumdrops and finally ended with straws and brads. In each activity I found similar ideas of exponential growth, repetition and parts creating a whole that I noticed while working with the other gifts, only now the product was much more spatial.

- Liz

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