COME LET US LIVE WITH OUR INNER CHILDREN is a collaborative interactive sculpture created by artists Feyishara Adelekan, Rebecca Bersohn, Erica Garber, Casey Glover, Catharine Maloney, Adena Stevens and Liz Zacharia. The title is an adaptation of an original mistranslation of Froebel's philosophy. The following visual diary is the result of the artists' research of Frederick Froebel, the inventor of Kindergarten, and his 20 gifts that combine learning, art and play. As they have, the artists invite the viewers to connect with their own INNER children through play.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Froebel's 3rd gift, blocks, is the simple yet elegant first in a series of lessons using blocks. This gift presents a larger cube made from a symmetrical stack of 8 smaller wooden cube blocks. With these 8 cube blocks a child is supposed to gain an understanding of part and whole and fractions, and also explore symmetric patterns. As I pondered this gift, I thought a lot about how to further convey a part of a whole. I also thought about asymmetrical patterns that I am more drawn to as an adult and about early childhood drawings. I felt that if this set of 8 blocks had one colored one, then that might focus a child in on the part of the whole concept and perhaps he could use this block to influence form of compositions created with the blocks. After making one set of the colored blocks I considered how a change in color would possibly affect a change in composition. So I created 3 more. Here is my Gift 3, "Eighth Chromes."

- Rebecca

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